Part 3 of this series builds on the code in Part 2 and in this blog I am going to show the following:
Load a VSTi (instrument plugin) in the editor form
Create a plugin stream
Load a VSTi
In order to load a VSTi you need to drop the BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP line of code and use the following instead:
ch = BASS_VST_ChannelCreate(44100, 2, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Vstplugins\\DSK The Grand.dll", 0);
You also need to also move the ChannelPlay to before the VSTi editor form opens. Make sure you also change the form vstHandle parameter to ch. I've also added the plugin product name to be show in the editor form title. There are many more properties under vstInfo you can display - for details go here.
Also try adding this new code to a new function that you can call from a new button on your main form. The full code for this function is as follows:
void playVSTiNoMidi() {
// create a normal BASS stream
BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, NULL);
//assign a VSTi plugin to the channel
DWORD ch = BASS_VST_ChannelCreate(44100, 2, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Vstplugins\\DSK The Grand.dll", 0);
BASS_VST_INFO vstInfo; //vst info
BASS_ChannelPlay(ch, false);
//show editor
VSTiHostBlog::MyForm1 form;
if (BASS_VST_GetInfo(ch, &vstInfo) && vstInfo.hasEditor)
const char* charstr = "";
charstr = vstInfo.productName;
String^ clistr = gcnew String(charstr);
form.Text = clistr;
form.Width = vstInfo.editorWidth + 10;
form.Height = vstInfo.editorHeight + 40;
IntPtr iHwnd = form.Handle;
HWND hwnd = (HWND)iHwnd.ToInt32();
BASS_VST_EmbedEditor(ch, hwnd);
else {
MessageBox::Show("No editor");
// delete the stream - this will also delete the VSTi
Go on to Part 4 ...